Ways of the World with Sources
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Source 22.2

Toward an Islamic Society: The Muslim Brotherhood, Toward the Light, 1936

Even as Kemal Atatürk was seeking to remove Islam from the public life of Turkey, a newly formed Muslim organization in Egypt was strongly advocating precisely the opposite course of action. Founded in 1928 by impoverished schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna (1906–1949), the Muslim Brotherhood argued in favor of “government that will act in conformity to the law and Islamic principles.” As the earliest mass movement in the Islamic world advocating such ideas, the Brotherhood soon attracted a substantial following, including many poor urban residents recently arrived from the countryside. Long a major presence in Egyptian political life, the Brotherhood has frequently come into conflict with state authorities. In 1936, it published a pamphlet, addressed to Egyptian and other Arab political leaders, which spelled out its views about the direction toward which a proper Islamic society should move.


Toward the Light


After having studied the ideals which ought to inspire a renascent nation on the spiritual level, we wish to offer, in conclusion, some practical suggestions…. The following are the chapter headings for a reform based upon the true spirit of Islam:

  1. In the political, judicial, and administrative fields:

    1st. To prohibit political parties and to direct the forces of the nation toward the formation of a united front;

    2nd. To reform the law in such a way that it will be entirely in accordance with Islamic legal practice;

    3rd. To build up the army, to increase the number of youth groups; to instill in youth the spirit of holy struggle, faith, and self-sacrifice;

    4th. To strengthen the ties among Islamic countries and more particularly among Arab countries which is a necessary step toward serious examination of the question of the defunct Caliphate;

    5th. To propagate an Islamic spirit within the civil administration so that all officials will understand the need for applying the teachings of Islam;

    6th. To supervise the personal conduct of officials because the private life and the administrative life of these officials forms an indivisible whole; …

    9th. Government will act in conformity to the law and to Islamic principles; … The scheduling of government services ought to take account of the hours set aside for prayer….

  2. In the fields of social and everyday practical life:

    1st…. [T]o strongly condemn attacks upon public mores and morality;

    2nd. To find a solution for the problems of women, a solution that will allow her to progress and which will protect her while conforming to Islamic principles. This very important social question should not be ignored because it has become the subject of polemics and of more or less unsupported and exaggerated opinion;

    3rd. To root out clandestine or public prostitution and to consider fornication as a reprehensible crime the authors of which should be punished;

    4th. To prohibit all games of chance (gaming, lotteries, races, golf );

    5th. To stop the use of alcohol and intoxicants—these obliterate the painful consequences of people’s evil deeds;

    6th. To … educate women, to provide quality education for female teachers, school pupils, students, and doctors;

    7th. To prepare instructional programs for girls; to develop an educational program for girls different than the one for boys;

    8th. Male students should not be mixed with female students—any relationship between unmarried men and women is considered to be wrong until it is approved;

    9th. To encourage marriage and procreation—to develop legislation to safeguard the family and to solve marriage problems;

    10th. To close dance halls; to forbid dancing;

    11th. To censor theater productions and films; to be severe in approving films;

    12th. To supervise and approve music;

    13th. To approve programs, songs, and subjects before they are released, to use radio to encourage national education;

    14th. To confiscate malicious articles and books as well as magazines displaying a grotesque character or spreading frivolity;

    15th. To carefully organize vacation centers;

    16th. To change the hours when public cafes are opened or closed, to watch the activities of those who habituate them—to direct these people towards wholesome pursuits, to prevent people from spending too much time in these cafes;

    17th. To use the cafes as centers to teach reading and writing to illiterates, to seek help in this task from primary school teachers and students;

    18th. To combat the bad practices which are prejudicial to the economy and to the morale of the nation, to direct the people toward good customs and praiseworthy projects such as marriage, orphanages, births, and festivals.

    19th. To bring to trial those who break the laws of Islam, who do not fast, who do not pray, and who insult religion;

    20th. To transfer village primary schools to the mosque….

    21st. Religious teaching should constitute the essential subject matter to be taught in all educational establishments and faculties;

    22nd. To memorize the Quran in state schools … in every school students should learn part of the Quran;

    24th…. Support for teaching the Arabic language in all grades—absolute priority to be given to Arabic over foreign languages;

    25th. To study the history of Islam, the nation, and Muslim civilization;

    26th. To study the best way to allow people to dress … in an identical manner;

    27th. To combat foreign customs (in the realm of vocabulary, customs, dress, nursing) and to Egyptianize all of these (one finds these customs among the well-to-do members of society);

    28th. To orient journalism toward wholesome things, to encourage writers and authors, who should study specifically Muslim and Oriental subjects;

    29th. To safeguard public health through every kind of publicity—increasing the number of hospitals, doctors, and out-patient clinics;

    30th. To call particular attention to the problems of village life (administration, hygiene, water supply, education, recreation, morality).

  3. The economic field:

    1st. Organization of the zakat tax [an obligatory payment to support the poor] according to Islamic precepts, using zakat proceeds for welfare projects such as aiding the indigent, the poor, orphans; the zakat should also be used to strengthen the army;

    2nd. To prevent the practice of usury, to direct banks to implement this policy; the government should provide an example by giving up the interest fixed by banks for servicing a personal loan or an industrial loan, etc.;

    3rd. To facilitate and to increase the number of economic enterprises and to employ the jobless, to employ for the nation’s benefit the skills possessed by the foreigners in these enterprises;

    4th. To protect workers against monopoly companies, to require these companies to obey the law, the public should share in all profits;

    5th. Aid for low-ranking employees and enlargement of their pay, lowering the income of high-ranking employees; …

    7th. To encourage agricultural and industrial works, to improve the situation of the peasants and industrial workers;

    8th. To give special attention to the technical and social needs of the workers, to raise their level of life and aid their class;

    9th. Utilization of certain natural resources (unworked land, neglected mines, etc.)….

Source: Hasan al-Banna, “Towards the Light,” in Robert Langdon, The Emergence of the Middle East (Van Nostrad, 1970).