Ways of the World with Sources
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Source 22.3
By the late twentieth century, the most widely publicized face of Islam, at least in the West, derived from groups sympathetic to the views of the Muslim Brotherhood, though these groups often expressed themselves in a more militant and aggressive fashion than the Brotherhood did. The Iranian revolution of 1979, for example, brought to power an Islamist government able to infuse public life with “the spirit of Islam,” as they understood it, purging those who disagreed with their interpretation of the faith. In Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the Islamic world, governments sought to implement various aspects of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamist agenda, sometimes brutally. And social movements in other places, such as al-
But these were not the only voices speaking in the name of Islam. All across the Islamic world, others argued that Muslims could retain their distinctive religious sensibility while embracing democracy, women’s rights, technological progress, freedom of thought, and religious pluralism. Such thinkers were following in the tradition of nineteenth-
Islam and Human Values
If the word “Islam” gives rise to fear or mistrust today, it is urgent that American Muslims clarify what we believe Islam stands for in order to dispel the idea that there is a fundamental conflict between the best values of Western civilization and the essential values of Islam….
Islamic civilization, which developed out of the revelation of the Qur’an in the seventh century, affirms the truth of previous revelations, affirms religious pluralism, cultural diversity, and human rights, and recognizes the value of reason and individual conscience….
[One issue] is the problem of violence…. Thousands of Muslim institutions and leaders, the great majority of the world’s billion or more Muslims, have unequivocally condemned the hateful and violent ideologies that kill innocents and violate the dignity of all humanity….
Islamic civilizations have a long history of encouraging religious tolerance and guaranteeing the rights of religious minorities. The reason for this is that the Qur’an explicitly acknowledges that the diversity of religions is part of the Divine Plan and no religion has a monopoly on truth or virtue….
Jerusalem, under almost continuous Islamic rule for nearly fourteen centuries, has been a place where Christians and Jews have lived side by side with Muslims, their holy sites and religious freedom preserved. Medieval Spain also created a high level of civilization as a multi-
[T]he acceptance of Islam must be an act of free will. Conversion by any kind of coercion was universally condemned by Islamic scholars….
There are many verses in the Qur’an that affirm the actuality and even the necessity of diversity in ways of life and religious belief: [For example,] O mankind, truly We [God] have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another [Surah 49:13]….
In general, war is forbidden in Islam, except in cases of self-
[I]n recent decades … an intolerant ideology has been unleashed. A small minority of the world’s one and a half billion Muslims has misconstrued the teachings of Islam to justify their misguided and immoral actions. It is most critical at this time for Muslims to condemn such extreme ideologies and their manifestations. It is equally important that non-
Muslims living in pluralistic societies have no religious reasons to oppose the laws of their own societies as long as they are just, but rather are encouraged to uphold the duly constituted laws of their own societies…. Islam and democracy are compatible and can coexist because Islam organizes humanity on the basis of the rule of law and human dignity.
The first four successors to the Prophet Muhammad were chosen by the community through consultation, i.e., a representative democracy. The only principle of political governance expressed in the Qur’an is the principle of Consultation (Shura), which holds that communities will “rule themselves by means of mutual consultation” [Surah 42:38].
Following the principles of the Qur’an, Muslims are encouraged to cooperate for the well-
An American Muslim scholar, Abdul Aziz Sachedina, expresses it this way: “Islam does not encourage turning God into a political statement since humans cannot possess God….”
[T]here is nothing in the Qur’an that essentially contradicts reason or science…. Repeatedly the Qur’an urges human beings to “reflect” and “use their intelligence.”
Islam is not an alien religion. It does not claim a monopoly on virtue or truth. It follows in the way of previous spiritual traditions that recognized One Spirit operating within nature and human life. It continues on the Way of the great Prophets and Messengers of all sacred traditions.
Source: Selections from Kabir Helminski, Islam and Human Values, unpublished pamphlet, 2009.