Citation at a glance Article in a periodical (MLA)

Citation at a glance: Article in a periodical (MLA)

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To cite an article in a print periodical in MLA style, include the following elements:

1 Author of article 5 Date or year of publication
2 Title and subtitle of article 6 Page number(s) of article
3 Title of periodical 7 Medium
4 Volume and issue number (for journal)    
1: Author of article 2: Title and subtitile of article 3: Title of periodical 3: Title of periodical 4: Volume and issue number 4: Volume and issue number 5: Date or year of publication 5: Date or year of publication 6: Page number(s) of article

Author of article

Title and subtitile of article

Title of periodical

Title of periodical

Volume and issue number

Volume and issue number

Date or year of publication

Date or year of publication

Page number(s) of article

Page 403

works cited entry for an article in a print periodical

For more on citing print periodical articles in MLA style, see items 7-15.