What is integrated media?
The writing that you do for school, for work, and for social reasons probably isn’t just on paper...
...and your college handbook isn’t just on paper, either.
Your handbook is part of something called Bedford Integrated Media. It’s the print pages of the handbook plus e-Pages and interactive exercises.
These icons on a page of your printed handbook mean that you’ll find more content online. When you sign in with the access card in your book, you’ll be able to submit work directly to your instructor.
LearningCurve adaptive quizzing is helpful—and even kind of fun. LearningCurve is like a game; it gives you easier or more difficult questions depending on how much you understand. The goal is to keep going until you hit your target score.
You’ll also find exercises on a lot of writing-related topics. The “As you write” prompts help you apply the handbook’s lessons to the writing you’re doing for your class.
Integrated media gives you a whole new way to get more from your handbook.