Preparing a presentation

As you write: Preparing a presentation

Exchange drafts of your oral presentation notes with a classmate. As you give

feedback to each other, consider the following questions:

  • Is the presentation strategically planned with purpose, audience, and context in mind?
  • Is the structure easy to follow? Is the opening hook engaging? Do the signposts guide listeners?
  • If your partner has a script rather than notes, is the presentation written for the ear, in a lively style, with straightforward sentences?
  • Is the speaker planning visuals that have specific purposes?

Use the space below to reflect on your discussion with your classmate and to plan three changes you will make as you revise your presentation.

Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response in the gradebook at any time.

Exchange drafts of your oral presentation notes with a classmate. As you give