Remixing an essay for an oral presentation

As you write: Remixing an essay for an oral presentation

Study Sam Jacobs’s argument essay in section A4-h and the opening lines of his oral presentation in section A5-d. Use the space below to write brief responses to the following questions: How does Jacobs gain his audience’s attention? How does he establish his credibility and establish common ground with his listeners? What do you learn from his remix? What other techniques might Jacobs use to gain and hold the attention of his audience?

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Study Sam Jacobs’s argument essay in section A4-h and the opening lines of his oral presentation in section A5-d. Use the space below to write brief responses to the following questions: How does Jacobs gain his audience’s attention? How does he establish his credibility and establish common ground with his listeners? What do you learn from his remix? What other techniques might Jacobs use to gain and hold the attention of his audience?