EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure

EXERCISE S1–3Identifying parallel structure

Click on Parallel if the sentence is written in parallel form; click on Not parallel if some elements of the sentence are not written in parallel form.

1 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 1 of 10: The hula hoop is not only a fun toy but also can be a great tool for exercise.

2 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 2 of 10: Blueberries, chocolate, and green tea are high in antioxidants, which may help fight heart disease.

3 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 3 of 10: Andrew Jackson, the seventh US president, is known for dismantling the Bank of the United States and he attacked the man who tried to assassinate him.

4 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 4 of 10: Home owners can save energy by setting the thermostat lower in the winter, sealing door frames with weather stripping, and by hanging insulated curtains.

5 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 5 of 10: After eating Thanksgiving dinner, my brother and I typically relax by the fireplace and watch old family movies.

6 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 6 of 10: Survivor is Molly’s favorite reality TV show; Dancing with the Stars is her roommate’s favorite.

7 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 7 of 10: While some people work well under pressure, I find it better to plan ahead than to wait until the last minute.

8 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 8 of 10: Sasha tried to avoid becoming sick this winter by eating well, exercising, managing her stress levels, and she tried to get enough sleep every night.

9 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 9 of 10: An incandescent lightbulb is not as energy-efficient as using a CFL lightbulb.

10 of 10

EXERCISE S1–3 Identifying parallel structure - 10 of 10: Our city recycles plastic, paper, and even takes cardboard boxes.