EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma

EXERCISE P3–6The semicolon and the comma

Select the correct mark of punctuation in the parentheses.

1 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 1 of 10: At the outbreak of the American Civil War, many believed that the conflict would be over in a month ( , / ; ) others had a dreadful premonition of the future.

2 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 2 of 10: America has been called a country of pragmatists ( , / ; ) although the American devotion to ideals is legendary.

3 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 3 of 10: The first requirement is honesty ( , / ; ) everything else follows.

4 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 4 of 10: I am not fond of opera. I must admit ( , / ; ) however, that I was greatly moved by Les Misérables.

5 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 5 of 10: Because I was so tired after the long drive ( , / ; ) I fell asleep almost immediately.

6 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 6 of 10: The Theban Plays by Sophocles consist of Antigone, which deals with the conscience and the state; King Oedipus, which explores the question of fate and circumstance ( , / ; ) and Oedipus at Colonus, which presents themes of suffering and redemption.

7 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 7 of 10: It is not surprising that our society is increasingly violent ( , / ; ) after all, television desensitizes us to brutality at a very early age.

8 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 8 of 10: At Weight Watchers, we believe that being fat is not hereditary ( , / ; ) it is a choice.

9 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 9 of 10: None of us wanted to be the first to volunteer to write the report ( , / ; ) even though we all had good lab notes.

10 of 10

EXERCISE P3–6 The semicolon and the comma - 10 of 10: Most hospitals in the West offer Western methods of treatment ( , / ; ) hospitals in China provide both Western and Chinese medicine.