EXERCISE B1–10 Identifying verbs

EXERCISE B1–10Identifying verbs

Identify the main verb and its helping verb(s), if any, in each sentence. Some sentences have more than one verb.

1 of 5

EXERCISE B1–10 Identifying verbs - 1 of 5: Do not bring up that issue again.

2 of 5

EXERCISE B1–10 Identifying verbs - 2 of 5: Galileo lived the last years of his life under house arrest because of his revolutionary theories about the universe.

3 of 5

EXERCISE B1–10 Identifying verbs - 3 of 5: Cynthia asked for a raise, but she didn’t expect one immediately.

4 of 5

EXERCISE B1–10 Identifying verbs - 4 of 5: We should plant the roses early this year.

5 of 5

EXERCISE B1–10 Identifying verbs - 5 of 5: The documentary was engrossing because it humanized World War II.