EXERCISE B3–2 Prepositional phrases - 1 of 5: The Silk Road was an old trade route between China and other regions.
2 of 5
EXERCISE B3–2 Prepositional phrases - 2 of 5: Dough with too much flour yields heavy baked goods.
3 of 5
EXERCISE B3–2 Prepositional phrases - 3 of 5: On one side of the barricades were revolutionary students; on the other was a government militia.
4 of 5
EXERCISE B3–2 Prepositional phrases - 4 of 5: You can tell with just one whiff whether the milk is fresh.
5 of 5
EXERCISE B3–2 Prepositional phrases - 5 of 5: At first, we couldn’t decide whether to take the car or the train, but inthe end we decided to take the train.