EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types

EXERCISE B4–3Sentence types

Indicate whether each sentence is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex.

1 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 1 of 10: In the backyard we found an owl whose wing had been broken.

2 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 2 of 10: When I applied to college, I had a part-time job, but now I have no source of income.

3 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 3 of 10: Take two pills every six hours, and call the doctor in three days.

4 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 4 of 10: When the credits begin to roll, most people feel that it is time to leave the theater.

5 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 5 of 10: He caught the ball and stepped on second base for a double play.

6 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 6 of 10: Hybrid cars save on toxic emissions and pollution, cut down on the cost of commuting, and lower our dependence on foreign oil.

7 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 7 of 10: I always appreciate those who offer constructive criticism, and I doubt those who praise too eagerly.

8 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 8 of 10: The committee members proceeded as if they knew nothing of the budget cuts.

9 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 9 of 10: Managing expectations is a practice that is also known as underpromising and overdelivering.

10 of 10

EXERCISE B4–3 Sentence types - 10 of 10: Any good photographer can capture a moment; a great photographer is one who creates a mood.