EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited

EXERCISE MLA 4–7MLA documentation: works cited

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 1 of 10: The student has quoted from an article about Hurricane Sandy in the January 2013 issue of Runner’s World. The article, “The Storm [and Everything After],” which appeared on pages 68-69, has no author listed.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 2 of 10: The student has quoted from an article titled “The Katrina Conspiracies: The Problem of Trust in Rebuilding an American City,” which was published in volume 35, issue 2, of Journal of Urban History in January 2009. The article appeared on pages 207-19 and was accessed on February 4, 2009, in the Academic Search Premier database. The authors of the article are Arnold R. Hirsch and Lee A. Levert.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 3 of 10: The student has paraphrased information from an article titled “Hurricane Katrina as a Bureaucratic Nightmare.” The article was written by Vicki Bier and appeared on pages 243-54 of the anthology On Risk and Disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina. The anthology was edited by Ronald J. Daniels, Donald F. Kettl, and Howard Kunreuther and was published in Philadelphia in 2006 by the University of Pennsylvania Press.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 4 of 10: The student has quoted information from a newspaper article that appeared in print on July 13, 2012, in The Gardner [MA] News. The article, titled “Building Haiti Clinic Adds Up to Journey for Gardner Community,” was written by Sam Bonacci and began on page 1 and continued on page 4.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 5 of 10: The student has paraphrased information from the article “How Weather Could Link Japan Radiation to US,” which appeared on the Scientific American Web site on March 16, 2011. The article, written by Jim Andrews and AccuWeather, was accessed on January 4, 2012. Scientific American is owned by Nature America, Inc.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 6 of 10: The student has summarized information from a televised interview with Fareed Zakaria, conducted by Ali Velshi. Video from the interview, titled “Was Hurricane Sandy a Wake-Up Call?,” was posted on the Your Money blog on the CNN Web site, sponsored by Cable News Network. The interview took place on November 21, 2012, and the student accessed it on December 3, 2012.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 7 of 10: The student has paraphrased information from a film on DVD titled Japan’s Killer Quake, which was released by PBS in 2011. The film was narrated by Corey Johnson and directed by Rae Gilder and Tom Pearson.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 8 of 10: The student has quoted from a document, Navigating the Unknown: A Practical Lifeline for Decision-Makers in the Dark, written by Patrick Lagadec and translated by Peter Leonard. The document is a PDF file, published by Crisis Response Journal in Thatcham, United Kingdom, in 2013.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 9 of 10: The student has paraphrased a blog entry titled “Katrina” written by Chris Matthew Sciabarra on his blog Notablog, for which a sponsor is not clear. The entry was posted on September 6, 2005, and accessed by the student on February 2, 2009.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–7 MLA documentation: works cited - 10 of 10: The student has summarized information from an article on the Web titled “Post-Katrina Education Problems Linger.” The article appeared on the Web site eSchool News with the date August 30, 2007; the student accessed it on January 31, 2009. No author name is given, and eSchool News is listed as the sponsor of the site.