EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation

EXERCISE MLA 4–8MLA documentation

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1 of 10

EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 1 of 10: A parenthetical citation in the text of the paper must always include the following information if available: the author’s name, the work’s title, and a page number.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 2 of 10: The works cited list is organized alphabetically by authors’ last names (or by title for a work with no author).

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EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 3 of 10: The works cited list should include all of the works the writer consulted while researching the paper.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 4 of 10: An in-text citation names the author (if there is an author) either in a signal phrase introducing the cited material or in parentheses after the cited material.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 5 of 10: When a work’s author is unknown, the work is listed under “Anonymous” in the list of works cited.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 6 of 10: The list of works cited is titled Bibliography.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 7 of 10: When a work has no page number, it is possible that nothing will appear in parentheses to mark the end of a citation.

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EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 8 of 10: In the parentheses marking the end of an in-text citation, use the abbreviation “p.” or “pp.” before the page number(s).

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EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 9 of 10: When a paper cites two or more works by the same author, the in-text citation includes at least the author’s name and the title (or a short version of the title).

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EXERCISE MLA 4–8 MLA documentation - 10 of 10: An entry for a Web source in the list of works cited gives the date the Web source was accessed.