EXERCISE APA 4–11 APA documentation: in-text citations

EXERCISE APA 4–11APA documentation: in-text citations

Choose the APA in-text citation that is handled correctly.

1 of 5

EXERCISE APA 4–11 APA documentation: in-text citations - 1 of 5: The student is paraphrasing the following newspaper article:Schwartz, J. (2004, May 6). Simulated prison in ’71 showed a fine line between “normal” and “monster.” The New York Times, p. A20.

2 of 5

EXERCISE APA 4–11 APA documentation: in-text citations - 2 of 5: The student is quoting from page 495 of the following book:Hockenbury, D. M., & Hockenbury, S. E. (2000). Psychology (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Worth.

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EXERCISE APA 4–11 APA documentation: in-text citations - 3 of 5: The student is quoting from page A20 of the following newspaper article:Dao, J., & von Zielbauer, P. (2004, May 6). Abuse charges bring anguish in unit’s home. The New York Times, pp. A1, A20.

4 of 5

EXERCISE APA 4–11 APA documentation: in-text citations - 4 of 5: The student used two sources by the same author published in the same year. The sources appear as follows in the reference list:Hersh, S. M. (2004a, May 17). Chain of command. The New Yorker, 80(12), 38-43.Hersh, S. M. (2004b, May 10). Torture at Abu Ghraib. The New Yorker, 80(11), 42-47.The writer is quoting from page 43 of the article “Chain of Command.”

5 of 5

EXERCISE APA 4–11 APA documentation: in-text citations - 5 of 5: The writer is summarizing material from page 67 of the following book:Nevid, J. S., Rathus, S. A., & Rubenstein, H. R. (1998). Health in the new millennium. New York, NY: Worth.This is the second citation of the book in the paper.