Directory to APA in-text citation models
- Basic format for a quotation, 681
- Basic format for a summary or a paraphrase, 682
- Work with two authors, 682
- Work with three to five authors, 683
- Work with six or more authors, 683
- Work with unknown author, 683
- Organization as author, 684
- Authors with the same last name, 684
- Two or more works by the same author in the same year, 684
- Two or more works in the same parentheses, 684
- Multiple citations to the same work in one paragraph, 685
- Web source, 685
- No page numbers, 685
- Unknown author, 686
- Unknown date, 686
- An entire Web site, 686
- Multivolume work, 686
- Personal communication, 687
- Course materials, 687
- Part of a source (chapter, figure), 687
- Indirect source, 687
- Sacred or classical text, 688