DLAP questions | wref8efull_chapa1_1_dlap.xml | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
APA-1: Supporting a thesis | wref8efull_chapa1_2.html | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
DLAP questions | wref8efull_chapa1_2_dlap.xml | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
APA-1a: Forming a working thesis | wref8efull_chapa1_3.html | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
DLAP questions | wref8efull_chapa1_3_dlap.xml | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
APA-1b: Organizing your ideas | wref8efull_chapa1_4.html | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
DLAP questions | wref8efull_chapa1_4_dlap.xml | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
APA-1c: Using sources to inform and support your argument | wref8efull_chapa1_5.html | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
DLAP questions | wref8efull_chapa1_5_dlap.xml | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
DLAP questions | wref8efull_chapa1_6_dlap.xml | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
EXERCISE APA 1–1 Thesis statements in APA papers | wref8efull_chapa1_7.html | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
DLAP questions | wref8efull_chapa1_7_dlap.xml | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
EXERCISE APA 1–2 Thesis statements in APA papers | wref8efull_chapa1_8.html | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |
DLAP questions | wref8efull_chapa1_8_dlap.xml | 541906a0757a2e286c000000 |