E1-a: Reading the syllabus

E1-aRead your syllabus carefully.

At the beginning of the semester, your instructor will give you a syllabus, a document that provides important information about the course, including assignments, grading policies, and your instructor’s contact information. Be sure to read through your syllabus carefully so that you understand your instructor’s expectations; refer to it often during the term. College students are usually expected to keep up with the course work outlined in a syllabus without reminders from their instructor.

When you look at the syllabi for all your courses, you may find that you have several major assignments due on the same day. You may also have smaller assignments that overlap. A calendar or schedule program or a smart phone app can help you keep track of the due dates for all your classes. It is a good idea to check your syllabus or your calendar regularly, especially before each class session, to remind yourself of readings and other assignments.

sample syllabus

1 Instructors want to talk to their students. Often they list contact information and office hours on the course syllabus. 2 A syllabus often includes a list of materials to purchase. 3 Most instructors expect students to participate in class. Participation is often part of the final grade. 4 Abbreviations used in the schedule are explained. 5 Readings for each class period are listed in the right-hand column. 6 Major deadlines are listed in bold.