Exercise E2–2 Missing subjects or expletives

EXERCISE E2-2 Missing subjects or expletives Five sentences in the following paragraph are missing subjects or expletives. Add the missing words where they are needed. (For help, see M3-b.)

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Is common to think that being the oldest child in a family has the most privileges. However, are several advantages to being the youngest child, too. First, is important to note that by the time the youngest child is born, the parents have already had experience as parents. They know how to care for a newborn, and they tend to be more relaxed. Second, the youngest child has the opportunity to learn how to stay out of trouble. If the older children get into trouble, is easy for the youngest child to learn from the older children’s mistakes. A third advantage of being the youngest child is that in many cases, the youngest gets extra attention from the older siblings. Is not unusual to see older siblings taking care of their younger siblings at school or protecting them from bullies.


EXERCISE E2-2 - Five sentences in the following paragraph are missing subjects or expletives. Add the missing words where they are needed. (For help, see M3-b.): Is common to think that being the oldest child in a family has the most privileges. However, are several advantages to being the youngest child, too. First, is important to note that by the time the youngest child is born, the parents have already had experience as parents. They know how to care for a newborn, and they tend to be more relaxed. Second, the youngest child has the opportunity to learn how to stay out of trouble. If the older children get into trouble, is easy for the youngest child to learn from the older children’s mistakes. A third advantage of being the youngest child is that in many cases, the youngest gets extra attention from the older siblings. Is not unusual to see older siblings taking care of their younger siblings at school or protecting them from bullies.