G2: Verb forms, tenses, and moods

G2Verb forms, tenses, and moods

In speech, some people use verb forms and tenses that match a home dialect or variety of English. In writing, use Standard English verb forms unless you are quoting nonstandard speech or using alternative forms for literary effect. (See W4-d.)

Except for the verb be, all verbs in English have five forms. The following list shows the five forms and provides a sample sentence in which each might appear.

base form Usually I (walk, ride).
past tense Yesterday I (walked, rode).
past participle I have (walked, ridden) many times before.
present participle I am (walking, riding) right now.
-s form He/she/it (walks, rides) regularly.

The verb be has eight forms instead of the usual five: be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been.

Multilingual If English is not your native language, see also M1 for more help with verbs.