Activity MM7–2: Your project

ACTIVITY MM7-2 Your project

Review a monomodal writing assignment you recently completed or a piece of writing you composed on your own (a traditional academic essay, perhaps). Imagine if you had been asked to produce the composition as a multimodal piece instead. What genre would have been effective for your purpose, audience, and message? A slide show? A movie? A Web page? A collage? Consider some of the materials you might have drawn on to craft the piece as a multimodal composition: audio, video, animation or movement, still images, and so on. Write briefly about what you might have done and why.


ACTIVITY MM7-2 - Review a monomodal writing assignment you recently completed or a piece of writing you composed on your own (a traditional academic essay, perhaps). Imagine if you had been asked to produce the composition as a multimodal piece instead. What genre would have been effective for your purpose, audience, and message? A slide show? A movie? A Web page? A collage? Consider some of the materials you might have drawn on to craft the piece as a multimodal composition: audio, video, animation or movement, still images, and so on. Write briefly about what you might have done and why.