Mapping out a search strategy

As you write: Mapping out a search strategy

Draft some notes about your search strategy. Write down your preliminary research question. After you’ve done some reading, use the space below to write answers to the following questions: What is the current debate about this topic? In which online or print publications is the debate taking place? Who has written about this topic? Show your notes to a reference librarian and ask for feedback about whether the sources you have found are worth pursuing. Based on the comments you receive, revise your search strategy and clarify your search terms.

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Draft some notes about your search strategy. Write down your preliminary research question. After you’ve done some reading, use the space below to write answers to the following questions: What is the current debate about this topic? In which online or print publications is the debate taking place? Who has written about this topic? Show your notes to a reference librarian and ask for feedback about whether the sources you have found are worth pursuing. Based on the comments you receive, revise your search strategy and clarify your search terms.