Chapter 329. Exercise APA 2-4

329.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise APA 2-4
Avoiding plagiarism in APA papers

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide whether each student sample is plagiarized or uses the source correctly. If the student’s sample is plagiarized, click on Plagiarized; if the sample is acceptable, click on OK.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


While Easter Island was divided into about eleven territories, each belonging to one clan under its own chief and competing with other clans, the island was also loosely integrated religiously, economically, and politically under the leadership of one paramount chief. On other Polynesian islands, competition between chiefs for prestige could take the form of inter-island efforts such as trading and raiding, but Easter’s extreme isolation from other islands precluded that possibility. Instead, the excellent quality of Rano Raraku volcanic stone for carving eventually resulted in chiefs competing by erecting statues representing their high-ranking ancestors on rectangular stone platforms (termed ahu).

From Diamond, J. (2004, March 25). Twilight at Easter [Review of the books The enigmas of Easter Island, by J. Flenly & P. Bahn, and Among stone giants: The life of Katherine Routledge and her remarkable expedition to Easter Island, by J. A. Van Tilburg]. The New York Review of Books, 51, 6, 8-10.

[The source paragraph appears on page 8.]


Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. Although the student has correctly cited the source, the student has failed to enclose in quotation marks all the words taken from the source. The following is an acceptable revision:
Diamond (2004) explained that the eleven territories on Easter Island were “loosely integrated religiously, economically, and politically under the leadership of one paramount chief” (p. 8).
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. Although the student has correctly cited the source, the student has failed to enclose in quotation marks all the words taken from the source. The following is an acceptable revision: Diamond (2004) explained that the eleven territories on Easter Island were “loosely integrated religiously, economically, and politically under the leadership of one paramount chief” (p. 8).
For more help, see section APA-2.


Correct. This sentence is acceptable. The student has paraphrased the source without using the language or structure of the source. The student also has used a parenthetical citation in proper APA style. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. The student has paraphrased the source without using the language or structure of the source. The student also has used a parenthetical citation in proper APA style. For more help, see section APA-2.


Correct. This sentence is acceptable. The student has enclosed exact words from the source in quotation marks and has cited the quotation properly in APA style. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. The student has enclosed exact words from the source in quotation marks and has cited the quotation properly in APA style. For more help, see section APA-2.


Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. The student has borrowed the sentence structure of the source and has substituted synonyms for many words (status for prestige, island-to-island endeavors for inter-island efforts, for instance). For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. The student has borrowed the sentence structure of the source and has substituted synonyms for many words (status for prestige, island-to-island endeavors for inter-island efforts, for instance). For more help, see section APA-2.


Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. The student has used exact words from the source without enclosing them in quotation marks and has failed to cite the page number from which the words were borrowed. The following is an acceptable revision:
Diamond (2004) noted that rather than competing with chiefs on other Polynesian islands, Easter Island’s chiefs competed among themselves “by erecting statues representing their high-ranking ancestors” (p. 8).
For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. The student has used exact words from the source without enclosing them in quotation marks and has failed to cite the page number from which the words were borrowed. The following is an acceptable revision:
Diamond (2004) noted that rather than competing with chiefs on other Polynesian islands, Easter Island’s chiefs competed among themselves “by erecting statues representing their high-ranking ancestors” (p. 8).
For more help, see section APA-2.