Chapter 328. Exercise APA 2-3

328.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise APA 2-3
Avoiding plagiarism in APA papers

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide whether each student sample is plagiarized or uses the source correctly. If the student’s sample is plagiarized, click on Plagiarized; if the sample is acceptable, click on OK.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


Mass psychogenic illness, or epidemic hysteria, is usually defined as a set of unexplained symptoms affecting two or more people; in most cases, victims share a theory of some sort about what is causing their distress. Often, somebody smells something funny, which may or may not be a chemical and which may or may not be there, but which in any case does not account for the subsequent symptoms. Relapses tend to happen when the people affected congregate again. And, notably, the mechanism of contagion is quite different from what you would expect in, say, a viral illness: symptoms spread by “line of sight,” which is to say, people get sick as they see other people getting sick. Some element of unusual psychological stress is often at play. . . . Adolescents and preadolescents are particularly susceptible. And girls are more likely to fall ill than boys.

From Talbot, M. (2002, June 2). Hysteria hysteria. The New York Times Magazine, pp. 42-47, 58-59, 96, 98, 101-102.

[The source passage is from pages 58-59. The word Adolescents begins page 59.]

1 of 10

Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. The student has copied chunks of text from the source word-for-word without enclosing the borrowed words in quotation marks and without providing a citation. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. The student has copied chunks of text from the source word-for-word without enclosing the borrowed words in quotation marks and without providing a citation. For more help, see section APA-2.

2 of 10

Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. Although the student has cited the source, the paraphrase is too close to the structure and language of the original. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. Although the student has cited the source, the paraphrase is too close to the structure and language of the original. For more help, see section APA-2.

3 of 10

Correct. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has enclosed exact words from the source in quotation marks. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has enclosed exact words from the source in quotation marks. For more help, see section APA-2.

4 of 10

Correct. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has enclosed exact words from the source in quotation marks. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has enclosed exact words from the source in quotation marks. For more help, see section APA-2.

5 of 10

Correct. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has paraphrased it without borrowing too much of its language. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has paraphrased it without borrowing too much of its language. For more help, see section APA-2.

6 of 10

Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. Although a borrowed phrase correctly appears in quotation marks, the student has paraphrased the source too closely, borrowing structure from the original and plugging in synonyms (ill for sick, not at all what you would expect in for quite different from, ailment for illness). For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. Although a borrowed phrase correctly appears in quotation marks, the student has paraphrased the source too closely, borrowing structure from the original and plugging in synonyms (ill for sick, not at all what you would expect in for quite different from, ailment for illness). For more help, see section APA-2.

7 of 10

Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. Although the sentence begins as an acceptable paraphrase, it ends by using the source almost word-for-word without quotation marks. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. Although the sentence begins as an acceptable paraphrase, it ends by using the source almost word-for-word without quotation marks. For more help, see section APA-2.

8 of 10

Correct. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has paraphrased it without borrowing too much of its language. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has paraphrased it without borrowing too much of its language. For more help, see section APA-2.

9 of 10

Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. In addition to copying the source almost word-for-word without using quotation marks, the student has failed to cite the author, year, and page number for the source. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. In addition to copying the source almost word-for-word without using quotation marks, the student has failed to cite the author, year, and page number for the source. For more help, see section APA-2.

10 of 10

Correct. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has paraphrased it without borrowing too much of its language. For more help, see section APA-2.
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. In addition to citing the source, the student has paraphrased it without borrowing too much of its language. For more help, see section APA-2.