354.1 Section Title
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise CMS 2-1
Avoiding plagiarism in Chicago papers
Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide whether each student sample is plagiarized or uses the source correctly. If the student sample is plagiarized, click on Plagiarized; if the sample is acceptable, click on OK.
Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)
The great and abiding fear of the South was of slave revolt. . . . For many Southerners it was psychologically impossible to see a black man bearing arms as anything but an incipient slave uprising complete with arson, murder, pillage, and rapine. The South was haunted throughout the war by a deep and horrible fear that the North would send—or was sending—agitators among their slaves to incite them to insurrection. That no such barbarous scheme was resorted to by the Union is a credit to the humanity and good sense of the Lincoln administration, although it was urged enough by some radicals.
From Cornish, Dudley Taylor. The Sable Arm: Black Troops in the Union Army, 1861-1865. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1987.
[The source passage is from page 158.]
1 of 5
Correct. The sentence is written in the student’s own words, and it is correctly documented with a CMS note. For more help, see section
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. It is written in the student’s own words, and it is correctly documented with a CMS note. For more help, see section
2 of 5
Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. The student has copied most of it word-for-word from the source without using quotation marks. In addition, the student has failed to document the source with a CMS note. For more help, see section
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. The student has copied most of it word-for-word from the source without using quotation marks. In addition, the student has failed to document the source with a CMS note. For more help, see section
3 of 5
Correct. The student has enclosed borrowed words in quotation marks and has correctly documented the quotation with a CMS note. For more help, see section
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. The student has enclosed borrowed words in quotation marks and has correctly documented the quotation with a CMS note. For more help, see section
4 of 5
Correct. This sentence is plagiarized. Although the student has used quotation marks around words borrowed from the source, the student has failed to cite the quotations with a note. For more help, see section
Sorry. This sentence is plagiarized. Although the student has used quotation marks around words borrowed from the source, the student has failed to cite the quotations with a note. For more help, see section
5 of 5
Correct. This sentence is acceptable. The student has paraphrased the source without using language or structure from the source and has correctly used a note to cite the paraphrase. For more help, see section
Sorry. This sentence is acceptable. The student has paraphrased the source without using language or structure from the source and has correctly used a note to cite the paraphrase. For more help, see section