You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Activity MM7-2
Transforming a monomodal to a multimodal project

Review a monomodal writing assignment you recently completed or a piece of writing you composed on your own (a traditional academic essay, perhaps). Imagine if you had been asked to produce the composition as a multimodal piece instead. What genre would have been effective for your purpose, audience, and message? A slide show? A movie? A web page? A collage? Consider some of the materials you might have drawn on to craft the piece as a multimodal composition: audio, video, animation or movement, still images, and so on. Write briefly about what you might have done and why.

Record your responses in the following box. When you are finished, click Submit to record your answer in your instructor's gradebook. You may review your answer by returning to the activity at any time. (An activity reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)