Chapter 192. Exercise P1-3

192.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise P1-3
Commas with independent clauses and introductory elements

In each pair, choose the sentence that uses commas correctly.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)



Correct. The comma follows the introductory phrase To be considered for the position. For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.
Sorry. The comma is not in the correct place in this sentence. It should be after the entire introductory phrase, after position. For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.


Correct. No commas are necessary in this sentence. For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.
Sorry. The comma before and is incorrect because it separates the two parts of a compound predicate (was used and was seen). For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.


Correct. The comma before so separates the two independent clauses. For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.
Sorry. This sentence needs a comma before the coordinating conjunction so, to separate the two independent clauses. For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.


Correct. The comma is correct after the introductory phrase Using a variety of techniques. And no other comma is needed in the sentence. For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.
Sorry. A comma is needed after the introductory phrase Using a variety of techniques. Also, the comma before and is not correct because it separates the parts of a compound predicate (grab . . . and imprint). For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.


Correct. The comma is correct after the introductory phrase By the end of the first quarter. For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.
Sorry. A comma is needed after the introductory phrase By the end of the first quarter. For more help, see sections P1-a and P1-b.