Chapter 203. Exercise P1-10

203.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise P1-10
Major uses of the comma

In each pair, click on the sentence that uses commas correctly. In the correct sentence, all commas that appear are necessary.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)



Correct. A comma is needed before the coordinating conjunction and because the conjunction joins independent clauses (word groups that could stand alone as sentences). For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. A comma is needed before the coordinating conjunction and because the conjunction joins independent clauses (word groups that could stand alone as sentences). For more help, see section P1.


Correct. The word and does not join independent clauses, so no comma is needed. For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. A comma before and is incorrect because the word and does not join independent clauses. For more help, see section P1.


Correct. A comma is needed after the introductory adverb clause. Notice too that the sentence is easily misread without the comma. For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. A comma is needed after the introductory adverb clause. Notice too that the sentence is easily misread without the comma. For more help, see section P1.


Correct. Except when writing for a publication that follows another convention, use a comma between all items in a series, including the last two. For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. Except when writing for a publication that follows another convention, use a comma between all items in a series, including the last two. For more help, see section P1.


Correct. There should be no comma between spicy and vegetarian because these are cumulative adjectives. For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. There should be no comma between spicy and vegetarian because these are cumulative adjectives. The comma between friendly and efficient is correct because these are coordinate adjectives. For more help, see section P1.


Correct. The appositive his customized black Gibson is nonrestrictive (nonessential), so it is set off with commas. For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. The appositive his customized black Gibson is nonrestrictive (nonessential), so it should be set off with a pair of commas. For more help, see section P1.


Correct. A comma is required between the coordinate adjectives severe and irreversible. (Coordinate adjectives can be joined with and: severe and irreversible damage.) For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. A comma is required between the coordinate adjectives severe and irreversible. (Coordinate adjectives can be joined with and: severe and irreversible damage.) For more help, see section P1.


Correct. The appositive Little Women should not be set off with commas because it is restrictive. Once they’ve read novel, readers still don’t know precisely which one of Alcott’s novels is being discussed. The appositive following novel restricts its meaning. For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. The appositive Little Women should not be set off with commas because it is restrictive. Once they’ve read novel, readers still don’t know precisely which one of Alcott’s novels is being discussed. The appositive following novel restricts its meaning. For more help, see section P1.


Correct. The title of Douglass’s book is a nonrestrictive appositive, so it should be set off with commas. The title is nonrestrictive because the term first autobiography identifies the book; there can be only one first autobiography. For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. The title of Douglass’s book is a nonrestrictive appositive, so it should be set off with commas. The title is nonrestrictive because the term first autobiography identifies the book; there is only one first autobiography. For more help, see section P1.


Correct. The coordinating conjunction yet joins independent clauses, so the comma is needed. For more help, see section P1.
Sorry. The coordinating conjunction yet joins independent clauses (word groups that could stand alone as sentences), so a comma is needed before yet. For more help, see section P1.