Chapter 82. Exercise W4–8

82.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise W4–8
Identifying sexist language

Click on Sexist if the sentence contains sexist language or on OK if the sentence is acceptable.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)



Correct. There is no sexist language in this sentence. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. There is no sexist language in this sentence. For more help, see section W4-f.


Correct. Mentioning that Asha Purpura is a doctor’s wife is sexist in this context because the fact is irrelevant. The following is a nonsexist revision: Asha Purpura is the defense attorney appointed by the court. Al Jones has been assigned to work with her on the case. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. Mentioning that Asha Purpura is a doctor’s wife is sexist in this context because the fact is irrelevant. The following is a nonsexist revision: Asha Purpura is the defense attorney appointed by the court. Al Jones has been assigned to work with her on the case. For more help, see section W4-f.


Correct. It is sexist to assume that all secretaries are women. The following is a nonsexist revision: Secretaries must be willing to sacrifice some of their spare time in the evenings and on the weekends if they expect to advance in this company. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. It is sexist to assume that all secretaries are women. The following is a nonsexist revision: Secretaries must be willing to sacrifice some of their spare time in the evenings and on the weekends if they expect to advance with this company. For more help, see section W4-f.


Correct. Both professors are being treated equally. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. Both professors are being treated equally, so there is no sexist language in this sentence. For more help, see section W4-f.


Correct. Using his to refer to persons of both sexes is regarded as sexist. The following is a nonsexist revision: After being elected, a new senator must wait several months before beginning his or her term. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. Using his to refer to persons of both sexes is widely regarded as sexist. The following is a nonsexist revision: After being elected, a new senator must wait several months before beginning his or her term. For more help, see section W4-f.


Correct. The fact that the mayor is a woman is irrelevant, and the term lady in this context has a derogatory tone. The following is a nonsexist revision: In my hometown, the mayor has led the fight for a fair share of federal funds for new schools. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. The fact that the mayor is a woman is irrelevant, and the term lady in this context has a derogatory tone. The following is a nonsexist revision: In my hometown, the mayor has led the fight for a fair share of federal funds for new schools. For more help, see section W4-f.


Correct. There is nothing sexist about this sentence. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. There is nothing sexist about this sentence. The plural term law students and the plural pronouns their and they refer to persons of both sexes. For more help, see section W4-f.


Correct. To mention that Sarah is a former model is irrelevant and sexist in a business context. The following is a nonsexist revision: John Crockett and Sarah Cooke have been an effective real estate team. John arranges attractive mortgage packages; Sarah directs the sales staff. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. To mention that Sarah is a former model is irrelevant and sexist in a business context. The following is a nonsexist revision: John Crockett and Sarah Cooke have been an effective real estate team. John arranges attractive mortgage packages; Sarah directs the sales staff. For more help, see section W4-f.


Correct. Using the term man to refer to both men and women is widely regarded as sexist. The following is a nonsexist revision: Those who make history have no time to write about it. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. Using the term man to refer to both men and women is widely regarded as sexist. The following is a nonsexist revision: Those who make history have no time to write about it. For more help, see section W4-f.


Correct. There is no sexist language in this sentence. For more help, see section W4-f.
Sorry. There is no sexist language in this sentence. For more help, see section W4-f.