You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Activity MM12-1
Your understanding of emphasis on web sites

Take a look again at the following sites, as mentioned in the text, this time with emphasis in mind:

  • the main website for your school
  • the website of a professor at your school
  • the website of a fast-food restaurant in your area
  • the website of a small, locally owned restaurant in your area
  • the website of the company that made the car you drive or that makes the car you’d like to drive
  • the website for a branch or an agency of the US government (for example, the White House, the IRS, the FBI)
  • the website for an individual who serves in the US government (such as a member of Congress)

As you look at each multimodal text, identify what information the composer seems to be emphasizing. How do you know it’s important? What are some of the techniques used to highlight the most important information? Write brief notes for each piece, and be prepared to discuss them in class.

Record your responses in the following box. When you are finished, click Submit to record your answer in your instructor's gradebook. You may review your answer by returning to the activity at any time. (An activity reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)