Chapter 428. Activity MM12-2

428.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Activity MM12-2
Using emphasis in your own project

For a project you are currently working on, make notes about the information you want to emphasize and some strategies you can use to do so. Take into consideration your purpose, your audience, and the genre you are working in. What textual formatting options might you use to draw attention to your key points? What visuals might you embed to support those points? Are there audio clips (dialogue, music, sound effects) or video clips that might help articulate the main points in your project?

Record your responses in the following box. When you are finished, click Submit to record your answer in your instructor's gradebook. You may review your answer by returning to the activity at any time. (An activity reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)

