Chapter 19. Exercise S1-5

19.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise S1-5

In each pair, click on the better version of the passage, the one that does not contain errors in parallelism.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


1 of 10

Correct. The items in the series are parallel: communicating . . . , processing . . . , and performing. . . .
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. The final element in the series should begin with an -ing verb form to make the three items parallel: communicating . . . , processing . . . , and performing . . . .
For more help, see section S1.

2 of 10

Correct. The two parts of the correlative conjunction not only . . . but also are followed by similar grammatical forms, the verbs had and was.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. The two parts of the correlative conjunction not only . . . but also should be followed by similar grammatical forms. In this case, moving not only before the verb had creates a balanced effect: not only had . . . but also was . . . .
For more help, see section S1.

3 of 10

Correct. The noun phrases greedy poachers and a shrinking habitat are parallel.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. And joins the noun phrase greedy poachers and the clause their habitat is shrinking. For parallelism, it should join two noun phrases: . . . because of greedy poachers and a shrinking habitat.
For more help, see section S1.

4 of 10

Correct. For parallelism, the preposition in is repeated: in rural Luray . . . in the congested suburbs.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. For parallelism, the preposition in should be repeated: in rural Luray . . . in the congested suburbs.
For more help, see section S1.

5 of 10

Correct. The items in the series are parallel: poor training, lack of confidence, and inexperience.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. The last element in the series should be a noun to make the three objects of because of parallel: poor training, lack of confidence, and inexperience.
For more help, see section S1.

6 of 10

Correct. The -ing verb forms sleeping and finding are parallel.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. For parallelism, both objects of between should be -ing verb forms: sleeping . . . and finding. . . . Or both can be noun phrases: a cot in the terminal and a hotel room at my expense.
For more help, see section S1.

7 of 10

Correct. The items in the series are all nouns: leaves, water, and teapot.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. The last element in the series should be a noun to make the three items parallel: leaves, water, and teapot.
For more help, see section S1.

8 of 10

Correct. The items in the series are parallel: paying, making, and hiring.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. The second item in the series, down payment, is not parallel to paying and hiring. Adding an -ing verb form solves the problem: paying, making, and hiring.
For more help, see section S1.

9 of 10

Correct. The -ing forms buying and maintaining and paying are parallel.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. Elements being compared with than should be in parallel grammatical form. To pay is not parallel to buying and maintaining.
For more help, see section S1.

10 of 10

Correct. The writer repeats were to clarify the parallelism and to prevent possible confusion between were as a main verb and were as a helping verb in the passive voice (were denied).
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. To clarify the parallelism and to prevent possible confusion between were as a main verb and were as a helping verb in the passive voice (were denied), the writer must repeat were: were slow to win . . . were often denied.
For more help, see section S1.