Chapter 16. Exercise S1-2

16.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise S1-2

In each pair, click on the sentence that does not contain errors in parallelism.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


1 of 5

Correct. The three noun phrases are parallel: fishing trips, dance lessons, computer classes.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. Computers is not parallel with fishing trips and dance lessons.
For more help, see section S1.

2 of 5

Correct. The infinitives to remain and to set up are parallel.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. The infinitive to remain is not parallel with the -ing form setting up.
For more help, see section S1.

3 of 5

Correct. The adjective phrase following not only is parallel with the adjective phrase following but also: too steep . . . too narrow.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. The elements following not only and but also are not parallel: too steep . . . were too narrow.
For more help, see section S1.

4 of 5

Correct. For parallelism, the preposition from is repeated following than.
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. For parallelism, the preposition from should be repeated following than.
For more help, see section S1.

5 of 5

Correct. The sentence contains a series consisting of parallel verb phrases: gathered . . . , put in . . . , arranged . . . , added . . . , tossed in . . . .
For more help, see section S1.
Sorry. For parallelism, the sentence contains a series of verb phrases, but the last item in the series—a battery-powered hair dryer—is not a verb phrase.
For more help, see section S1.