Chapter 448. Exercise S2-4

448.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise S2-4
Needed words

In each pair, click on the sentence that is not missing any words needed for logic or clarity.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


1 of 10

Correct. Because the word honest requires the article an and the word great requires the article a, both articles must be included.
Sorry. Because the word honest requires the article an and the word great requires the article a, both articles must be included.

2 of 10

Correct. This sentence contains all needed words. The verb phrase have been . . . threatened by is grammatically correct.
Sorry. Because have . . . threatened by is not grammatically correct, the word been must be added to the first helping verb: Polar bears have been and will continue to be threatened by global climate change.

3 of 10

Correct. This sentence contains all needed words. Because whom . . . promised is not grammatically correct, the sentence also includes who.
Sorry. Because whom . . . promised is not grammatically correct, the word who must be added: whom they trusted and who promised.

4 of 10

Correct. This sentence contains all needed words. The sentence, which compares two fish populations, is logical.
Sorry. This sentence, which compares a fish population to a lake, is not logical. For logic, the phrase that of needs to be added: . . . is more diverse than that of Lake Porter.

5 of 10

Correct. This sentence contains all needed words. The word other makes the comparison logical: Dr. Morgan is compared with other doctors.
Sorry. The comparison is not logical: Dr. Morgan is included in the phrase any doctor—but Alfonso can’t trust Dr. Morgan more than Dr. Morgan. For logic, the word other must be added: more than any other doctor.

6 of 10

Correct. This sentence contains all needed words. The comparison is logical and idiomatic.
Sorry. The phrase longer . . . as is not idiomatic in English. For clarity, the word than must be added: longer than . . . the Amazon River.

7 of 10

Correct. This sentence contains all needed words. Because the word notebook requires the article a and the word organizer requires the article an, both articles must be included.
Sorry. Because the word notebook requires the article a and the word organizer requires the article an, both articles must be included.

8 of 10

Correct. This sentence contains all needed words. The word other makes the comparison logical: Sirius is compared with other stars.
Sorry. The comparison is not logical: Sirius, a star in the night sky, cannot be brighter than itself. For logic, the word other must be added: brighter than any other star.

9 of 10

Correct. This sentence contains all needed words. The phrases interested in and bothered by are idiomatic in English.
Sorry. The phrase interested . . . by is not idiomatic in English. For clarity, the word in must be added: interested in . . . the kitten.

10 of 10

Correct. This sentence contains all needed words. The word that tells readers to expect a clause, not just the team, as the direct object of acknowledged.
Sorry. This sentence can be misread. Coach Harris didn’t acknowledge the team; he acknowledged that the team couldn’t have succeeded. For clarity, the word that is needed: Coach Harris acknowledged that. . . . The word that tells readers to expect a clause, not just the team, as the direct object of acknowledged.