Chapter 28. Exercise S3-8


You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise S3-8
Dangling modifiers

In each pair, click on the version of the sentence in which all modifiers clearly and logically refer to the word(s) they modify.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


Question 28.1

Correct. The person doing the action (the surgeon) is named in the subject of the sentence, so the opening phrase doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. The surgeon, not the bypass, used a minimally invasive technique. Using a minimally invasive technique dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence names the person doing the action.
For more help, see section S3-e.

Question 28.2

Correct. The actor (a student) is named in the subject of the sentence, so the opening phrase doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. The student, not the grades, may enter college early. To enter college early dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence names the person doing the action.
For more help, see section S3-e.

Question 28.3

Correct. The opening phrase doesn’t dangle because it names the actor (we).
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. The couple, not the lights, were dining at night. While dining at night dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence names the people who are dining.
For more help, see section S3-e.

Question 28.4

Correct. The opening phrase doesn’t dangle because the subject of the sentence names the actor (my sister).
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. The sister, not the recruiter, was a beginner at tennis. While still a beginner at tennis dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (recruiter) names the person who is the beginner.
For more help, see section S3-e.

Question 28.5

Correct. The opening phrase doesn’t dangle because it names the actor (Marcus Garvey), the person who returned to Jamaica.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. Marcus Garvey, not his movement, returned to Jamaica. After returning to Jamaica dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (movement) names the person who returned to Jamaica. (The possessive noun Marcus Garvey’s functions as an adjective modifying movement.)
For more help, see section S3-e.

Question 28.6

Correct. The opening phrase doesn’t dangle because it names the person who was a young child (I).
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. The writer, not the grandfather, was a young child. As a young child dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (grandfather) names the person who was a young child.
For more help, see section S3-e.

Question 28.7

Correct. The opening phrase doesn’t dangle because the subject of the sentence names the people who are doing the action (builders).
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. Working with local mud and other materials dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence names those who are working.
For more help, see section S3-e.

Question 28.8

Correct. The opening phrase doesn’t dangle because the subject of the sentence names the actor (Wanda).
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. Wanda, not the discovery, was determined to learn to read. Determined to learn to read dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (discovery) names the person who wanted to learn to read.
For more help, see section S3-e.

Question 28.9

Correct. The opening phrase doesn’t dangle because the subject of the sentence names the actor (I).
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. Since the opening phrase doesn’t name the person who had investigated burglaries and thefts, that person (I) must appear as the subject of the sentence.
For more help, see section S3-e.

Question 28.10

Correct. The opening phrase doesn’t dangle because it names who is going to serve you (we).
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. To better serve you dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (you, understood) names who is going to serve you (we).
For more help, see section S3-e.