Chapter 29. Exercise S3-9

29.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise S3-9
Dangling modifiers

In each pair, click on the version of the sentence in which all modifiers clearly refer to the word(s) they modify.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


1 of 10

Correct. The person who was a teenager (S. E. Hinton) is named in the subject of the sentence, so the opening phrase doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. S. E. Hinton, not her book, was a teenager. While still a teenager dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence names the actor. (The possessive noun Hinton’s functions as an adjective modifying the subject, book.)
For more help, see section S3-e.

2 of 10

Correct. The people preparing the food (caterers) are named in the subject, so the opening phrase doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. The caterers, not the dinner party, prepared the food. The opening phrase dangles because neither it nor the subject (dinner party) names the actors.
For more help, see section S3-e.

3 of 10

Correct. The person boarding the bus (Grayson) is named in the opening clause, so the clause doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. Grayson, not his homework, boarded the bus. Boarding the bus dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence names the actor. (The possessive noun Grayson’s functions as an adjective modifying the subject, homework.)
For more help, see section S3-e.

4 of 10

Correct. The person living at Walden Pond (Thoreau) is named in the opening clause, so the clause doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. Thoreau, not the visitors, was living at Walden Pond. While living at Walden Pond dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (visitors) names the actor.
For more help, see section S3-e.

5 of 10

Correct. The person who could get into college (student) is named in the subject, so the opening phrase doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. A student, not the test scores, can get into college. To get into an elite college dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (scores) names the actor.
For more help, see section S3-e.

6 of 10

Correct. The person who feared a fiasco (commissioner) is named in the subject, so the opening phrase doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. The commissioner, not the machines, feared a fiasco. Fearing an election day fiasco dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (machines) names the actor.
For more help, see section S3-e.

7 of 10

Correct. The person who divorced Catherine (Henry VIII) is named in the opening clause, so the clause doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. Henry VIII, not Anne Boleyn, divorced Catherine of Aragon. After divorcing Catherine of Aragon dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (Anne Boleyn) names the actor.
For more help, see section S3-e.

8 of 10

Correct. The people who kept the paparazzi away (security guards) are named in the subject, so the opening phrase doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. The security guards, not the entrance to the theater, kept the paparazzi away. The opening phrase dangles because neither it nor the subject (entrance) names the actor.
For more help, see section S3-e.

9 of 10

Correct. The planet closest to the sun (Mercury) is named in the subject of the sentence, so the opening phrase doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. Mercury, not its orbit, is the planet closest to the sun. As the planet closest to the sun dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence names the actor. (The possessive noun Mercury’s functions as an adjective modifying the subject, orbit.)
For more help, see section S3-e.

10 of 10

Correct. The person who was unable to speak (Corey) is named in the opening clause, so the clause doesn’t dangle.
For more help, see section S3-e.
Sorry. Corey, not the gestures and writing, was unable to speak after surgery. Unable to speak after her surgery dangles because neither it nor the subject of the sentence (gestures and writing) names the actor.
For more help, see section S3-e.