Chapter 38. Exercise S4-8


You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise S4-8
Shifts: mood and voice, questions and quotations

In each pair, click on the version of the sentence that does not have any shifts in mood, voice, questions, or quotations.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


1 of 10

Correct. These related sentences both appear in the active voice, with the subjects of both clauses doing the action.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. The first sentence is in the active voice (penguin, leaves), but the second sentence shifts awkwardly to the passive voice (egg, is . . . cared for).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.

2 of 10

Correct. These related sentences both appear in the indicative mood, which is used for statements of fact.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. The first sentence is in the indicative mood (hygienist reminded), which is used for statements of fact, but the second sentence shifts awkwardly to the imperative mood (be sure), which is used for commands.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.

3 of 10

Correct. This sentence uses indirect questions consistently.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. This sentence shifts from an indirect question (Heather wondered whether . . . ) to a direct question (did she remember . . .).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.

4 of 10

Correct. This sentence uses indicative mood consistently (didn’t have . . . should eat).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. This sentence shifts from the indicative mood (didn’t have) to the imperative mood (let them eat).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.

5 of 10

Correct. This sentence uses a direct quotation consistently, and the quotation is properly enclosed in quotation marks.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. This sentence shifts from an indirect quotation (says that he bleeds . . . ) to a direct quotation (if you tickle us) and does not use quotation marks around the direct quotation.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.

6 of 10

Correct. This sentence uses the active voice in both clauses.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. This sentence shifts awkwardly from the passive voice (Pollen is carried) to the active voice (bees transform).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.

7 of 10

Correct. This sentence uses indirect questions consistently.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. This sentence shifts from an indirect question (Sharon . . . asked) to a direct question (could a few people bring . . . ).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.

8 of 10

Correct. This sentence consistently uses the active voice (director placed . . . assistants assembled).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. The sentence shifts from the active voice (director placed) to the passive (ingredients were assembled).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.

9 of 10

Correct. This sentence uses indirect questions consistently.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. This sentence shifts from an indirect question (I asked my lab partner . . . ) to a direct question (could she let me . . . ).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.

10 of 10

Correct. This sentence consistently uses the passive voice, with the subjects of both clauses receiving the action.
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.
Sorry. This sentence shifts from the active voice (Citizens elect) to the passive voice (senators are elected).
For more help, see sections S4-c and S4-d.