Chapter 45. Exercise S5-4

45.1 All shifts

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise S5-4
Mixed constructions

In each pair, click on the version of the sentence in which all the parts fit together grammatically.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


1 of 10

Sorry. The prepositional phrase In Buñol cannot serve as the subject of the verb hosts. Deleting the word In solves the problem by making Buñol the subject.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. The subject, Buñol, and the verb, hosts, make sense together.
For more help, see section S5

2 of 10

Sorry. The Although clause is subordinate, so it cannot be linked to an independent clause with the coordinating conjunction but. Deleting the word but solves the problem.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. The subordinate clause (Although Cheryl . . . ) is correctly linked to the independent clause (she excelled . . .).
For more help, see section S5

3 of 10

Sorry. The subordinate clause When students first move to college cannot serve as the subject of the verb may be.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. The subordinate clause When students... is properly linked to the independent clause they may. . . .
For more help, see section S5

4 of 10

Sorry. Is when should not be used to introduce a definition.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological disorder is a proper form for a definition.
For more help, see section S5

5 of 10

Sorry. The phrase Being a web designer does not make sense as the subject of the verb must create.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. The noun phrase A web designer makes sense as the subject of the verb must create.
For more help, see section S5

6 of 10

Sorry. The phrase Judging from his expression doesn’t make sense as the subject of the verb made.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. The subject (expression) and the verb (made) make sense together.
For more help, see section S5

7 of 10

Sorry. A songwriter is a person, not a pastime; the two words are not logically equivalent.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. Songwriting and pastime are logically equivalent, so the sentence makes sense.
For more help, see section S5

8 of 10

Sorry. The subordinate clause When toddlers begin to speak . . . cannot serve as the subject of the verb can be.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. They have reached is an appropriate subject and verb, and the clause When toddlers begin to speak . . . serves as a subordinate clause, not as a subject.
For more help, see section S5

9 of 10

Sorry. An actor is a person, not a technique; the two words are not logically equivalent.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. The words acting and technique are logically equivalent, so the sentence makes sense.
For more help, see section S5

10 of 10

Sorry. The noun purpose cannot logically serve as the subject of the verb inspires. The garden, not the purpose, inspires peace and reflection.
For more help, see section S5
Correct. The noun garden and the verb inspires make sense together.
For more help, see section S5