You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise W2-1
Wordy sentences

Edit the following sentences to reduce wordiness. Type your answers in the boxes below.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


1 of 5

Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who set a high standard for future leaders to meet. Possible revision:
Suggested revision: Martin Luther King Jr. set a high standard for future leaders.

2 of 5

Alice has been deeply in love with cooking since she was little and could first peek over the edge of a big kitchen tabletop. Possible revision:
Suggested revision: Alice has loved cooking since she could first peek over a kitchen tabletop.

3 of 5

In my opinion, Bloom’s race for the governorship is a futile exercise. Possible revision:
Suggested revision: Bloom’s race for the governorship is futile.

4 of 5

It is pretty important in being a successful graphic designer to have technical knowledge and at the same time an eye for color and balance. Possible revision:
Suggested revision: A successful graphic designer must have technical knowledge and an eye for color and balance.

5 of 5

Your task will be the delivery of correspondence to all employees in the company. Possible revision:
Suggested revision: You will deliver mail to all employees.