Chapter 70. Exercise W3-2

70.1 Section Title

Using active voice
Using active voice

In each pair, click on the sentence that uses strong, active verbs and avoids passive verbs or be verbs.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


1 of 5

Correct. This sentence is in the active voice. The subject, monkey, names the actor.
For more help, see section W3.
Sorry. This sentence is in the passive voice. The subject, sound, names the receiver of the action. The actor appears in the phrase by the monkey.
For more help, see section W3.

2 of 5

Correct. This sentence is in the active voice. The subject, letter, names the actor.
For more help, see section W3.
Sorry. This sentence uses a weak be verb, was.
For more help, see section W3.

3 of 5

Correct. This sentence is in the active voice. The subject, gust, names the actor.
For more help, see section W3.
Sorry. This sentence is in the passive voice. The subject, door, names the receiver of the action.
For more help, see section W3.

4 of 5

Correct. This sentence is in the active voice. The subject, work, names the actor.
For more help, see section W3.
Sorry. This sentence uses a weak be verb, was.
For more help, see section W3.

5 of 5

Correct. In the subordinate clause that my parents gave me, the subject, parents, performs the action, gave.
For more help, see section W3.
Sorry. In the subordinate clause that I was given by my parents, the subject, I, receives the action.
For more help, see section W3.