Book with a title in its title

Works cited entry

King, John N. Milton and Religious Controversy: Satire and Polemic in Paradise Lost. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000. Print.

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If the book title contains a title normally italicized, neither italicize the internal title nor place it in quotation marks.

Works cited entry

Millás, Juan José. “Personality Disorders” and Other Stories. Trans. Gregory B. Kaplan. New York: MLA, 2007. Print. MLA Texts and Trans.

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If the title within the title is normally put in quotation marks, retain the quotation marks and italicize the entire title.

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Citation at a glance: Book (MLA)

Exercise: MLA documentation: identifying elements of sources

Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 1

Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 2

Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 3

Exercise: MLA documentation