Works cited entry (one selection in the anthology)
Desai, Anita. “Scholar and Gypsy.” The Oxford Book of Travel Stories. Ed. Patricia Craig. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996. 251-73. Print.
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Include the following elements:
the name of the author of the selection, not with the name of the editor of the anthology
the title of the selection, in quotation marks
the title of the anthology, italicized
the name of the editor (preceded by “Ed.” for “Edited by”)
publication information
the pages on which the selection appears
the medium of publication (“Print”)
Works cited entries (multiple entries from one anthology)
Craig, Patricia, ed. The Oxford Book of Travel Stories. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996. Print.
Desai, Anita. “Scholar and Gypsy.” Craig 251-73.
Malouf, David. “The Kyogle Line.” Craig 390-96.
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If you cite two or more works from the same anthology, you can provide an entry for the whole anthology, listed by the editor’s name.
Then in separate entries, list the author and title of each selection, followed by the last name of the editor of the anthology and the page numbers on which the selection appears.
Alphabetize the entry for the anthology under the name of its editor (Craig); alphabetize the entries for the selections under the names of the authors (Desai, Malouf).
Use the medium only in the entry for the complete anthology.
Directory to MLA works cited models
Citation at a glance: Work in an anthology (MLA)
Exercise: MLA documentation: identifying elements of sources
Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 1
Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 2
Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 3
Exercise: MLA documentation