Works cited entries
Art. By Yasmina Reza. Dir. Matthew Warchus. Perf. Philip Franks, Leigh Lawson, and Simon Shephard. Whitehall Theatre, London. 3 Dec. 2001. Performance.
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Symphony no. 4 in G. By Gustav Mahler. Cond. Mark Wigglesworth. Perf. Juliane Banse and Boston Symphony Orch. Symphony Hall, Boston. 17 Apr. 2009. Performance.
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Include as much of the following information as is available:
the title of the work performed, italicized (except for a musical composition identified by form, number, or key, as in the second example)
the author or composer of the work (preceded by the word “By”)
the director (“Dir.”), choreographer (“Chor.”), or conductor (“Cond.”)
the major performers (“Perf.”)
the theater and its city
the date of the performance
the label “Performance”
Directory to MLA works cited models
Exercise: MLA documentation: identifying elements of sources
Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 1
Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 2
Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 3
Exercise: MLA documentation