Online journal (with DOI)
Reference list entry
Whitmeyer, J. M. (2000). Power through appointment. Social Science Research, 29, 535-555. doi:10.1006/ssre.2000.0680
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Follow the guidelines for print articles, giving whatever information is available in the online source.
If the article has a DOI (digital object identifier), use the DOI instead of a URL in reference list entries.
Use a retrieval date only if the source is likely to change.
Online magazine (with no DOI)
Reference list entry
Shelburne, E. C. (2008, September). The great disruption. The Atlantic, 302(2). Retrieved from
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Follow the guidelines for print articles, giving whatever information is available in the online source.
If there is no DOI (digital object identifier), include the URL for the journal’s home page.
Use a retrieval date only if the source is likely to change.
Online newspaper
Cary, B. (2001, June 18). Mentors of the mind. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from
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Treat as an article in a print newspaper, and add the URL for the newspaper's home page.
Note on breaking URLs and DOIs
If you must break a URL or a DOI at the end of a line, break it after a double slash or before any other mark of punctuation.
Do not add a hyphen.
Do not put a period at the end of the entry.
Directory to APA reference list models
Exercise: APA documentation: identifying elements of sources
Exercise: APA documentation: reference list 1
Exercise: APA documentation: reference list 2
Exercise: APA documentation: reference list 3
Exercise: APA documentation