Eight or more authors

Reference list entry

Mulvaney, S. A., Mudasiru, E., Schlundt, D. G., Baughman, C. L., Fleming, M., VanderWoude, A., . . . Rothman, R. (2008). Self-management in Type 2 diabetes: The adolescent perspective. The Diabetes Educator, 34, 118–127.

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  • List the first six authors followed by three ellipsis dots and the last author's name.

  • Do not use an ampersand before the name of the last author.

Directory to APA reference list models

Citation at a glance: Article in a periodical (APA)

Exercise: APA documentation: identifying elements of sources

Exercise: APA documentation: reference list 1

Exercise: APA documentation: reference list 2

Exercise: APA documentation: reference list 3

Exercise: APA documentation