Article or chapter in an edited book

Reference list entry

Luban, D. (2000). The ethics of wrongful obedience. In D. L. Rhode (Ed.), Ethics in practice: Lawyers’ roles, responsibilities, and regulation (pp. 94-120). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

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  • Begin with the author, the year of publication, and the title of the article or chapter.

  • Then write “In” and give the editor’s name, followed by “Ed.” in parentheses, and the title of the book.

  • Put the page numbers of the article or chapter in parentheses.

  • End with the book’s publication information.

Directory to APA reference list models

Exercise: APA documentation: identifying elements of sources

Exercise: APA documentation: reference list 1

Exercise: APA documentation: reference list 2

Exercise: APA documentation: reference list 3

Exercise: APA documentation