Basic format for a book (print)
Basic format for a book (online)
Basic format for an e-book (electronic book)
Two or more authors
Unknown author
Edited work without an author
Edited work with an author
Translated work
Edition other than the first
Volume in a multivolume work
Work in an anthology
Letter in a published collection
Work in a series
Encyclopedia or dictionary
Sacred text
Directory to Chicago (CMS) notes and bibliography entries
Citation at a glance: Book (Chicago)
Citation at a glance: Letter in a published collection (Chicago)
Exercise: Chicago (CMS) documentation: identifying elements of sources
Exercise: Chicago (CMS) documentation: notes 1
Exercise: Chicago (CMS) documentation: notes 2
Exercise: Chicago (CMS) documentation: notes 3
Exercise: Chicago (CMS) documentation: bibliography 1
Exercise: Chicago (CMS) documentation: bibliography 2
Exercise: Chicago (CMS) documentation: bibliography 3
Exercise: Chicago (CMS) documentation