Citation-sequence and citation-name
5. Stevens MH. Heavenly harbingers. Smithsonian. 2001 Nov:20, 22.
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Provide the year and month for monthly publications and the year, month, and day for weekly publications, followed by the page numbers of the article.
Use no spaces between the year, the colon, and the first page number.
Spell out a one-word magazine title. Use standard scientific abbreviations for magazine titles of more than one word.
Stevens MH. 2001 Nov. Heavenly harbingers. Smithsonian. 20, 22.
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After the author’s name, give the year and the month for monthly magazines or the year, month, and day for weekly magazines.
Use three-letter abbreviations for all months.
Give the page numbers of the article after the magazine title.
Spell out a one-word magazine title. Use standard scientific abbreviations for magazine titles of more than one word.
CSE does not provide specific guidelines for the name-year reference list. You may use a hanging indent (as shown here) for readability.
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