Citation-sequence and citation-name
14. Cantor RM, Kono N, Duvall JA, Alvarez-Retuerto A, Stone JL, Alarcon M, Nelson SF, Geschwind DH. Replication of autism linkage: fine-mapping peak at 17q21. Am J Hum Genet [Internet]. 2005 [cited 2009 Jun 17];76(6):1050-1056. Expanded Academic ASAP. Farmington Hills (MI): Thomson Gale; c2005. Available from: Document No.: A133015879.
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CSE does not provide guidelines for an article accessed through a database service, such as InfoTrac or EBSCOhost. The guidelines presented here are based on CSE’s models for an article in an online periodical and for a complete database.
Begin with information about the online article.
Follow with the name of the database, the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication or the copyright date.
End with the phrase “Available from:” followed by the URL for the database.
Include an article or document number, if the database assigns one, after the URL.
Do not use a period at the end of a URL unless the URL ends in a slash.
Cantor RM, Kono N, Duvall JA, Alvarez-Retuerto A, Stone JL, Alarcon M, Nelson SF, Geschwind DH. 2005. Replication of autism linkage: fine-mapping peak at 17q21. Am J Hum Genet [Internet]. [cited 2009 Jun 17];76(6):1050-1056. Expanded Academic ASAP. Farmington Hills (MI): Thomson Gale; c2005. Available from: Document No.: A133015879.
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CSE does not provide guidelines for an article accessed through a database service, such as InfoTrac or EBSCOhost. The guidelines presented here are based on CSE’s models for an article in an online periodical and for a complete database.
Begin with information about the online article. After the author’s name, give the publication date for the article.
Follow with the name of the database, the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication or the copyright date of the database.
End with the phrase “Available from:” followed by the URL for the database.
Include an article or document number, if the database assigns one, after the URL.
Do not use a period at the end of a URL unless the URL ends in a slash.
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CSE guidelines, reference list
Directory to CSE reference list models