Work from a database service

Citation-sequence and citation-name

14. Cantor RM, Kono N, Duvall JA, Alvarez-Retuerto A, Stone JL, Alarcon M, Nelson SF, Geschwind DH. Replication of autism linkage: fine-mapping peak at 17q21. Am J Hum Genet [Internet]. 2005 [cited 2009 Jun 17];76(6):1050-1056. Expanded Academic ASAP. Farmington Hills (MI): Thomson Gale; c2005. Available from: Document No.: A133015879.

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  • CSE does not provide guidelines for an article accessed through a database service, such as InfoTrac or EBSCOhost. The guidelines presented here are based on CSE’s models for an article in an online periodical and for a complete database.

  • Begin with information about the online article.

  • Follow with the name of the database, the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication or the copyright date.

  • End with the phrase “Available from:” followed by the URL for the database.

  • Include an article or document number, if the database assigns one, after the URL.

  • Do not use a period at the end of a URL unless the URL ends in a slash.


Cantor RM, Kono N, Duvall JA, Alvarez-Retuerto A, Stone JL, Alarcon M, Nelson SF, Geschwind DH. 2005. Replication of autism linkage: fine-mapping peak at 17q21. Am J Hum Genet [Internet]. [cited 2009 Jun 17];76(6):1050-1056. Expanded Academic ASAP. Farmington Hills (MI): Thomson Gale; c2005. Available from: Document No.: A133015879.

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  • CSE does not provide guidelines for an article accessed through a database service, such as InfoTrac or EBSCOhost. The guidelines presented here are based on CSE’s models for an article in an online periodical and for a complete database.

  • Begin with information about the online article. After the author’s name, give the publication date for the article.

  • Follow with the name of the database, the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication or the copyright date of the database.

  • End with the phrase “Available from:” followed by the URL for the database.

  • Include an article or document number, if the database assigns one, after the URL.

  • Do not use a period at the end of a URL unless the URL ends in a slash.

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CSE guidelines, reference list

Directory to CSE reference list models