Online report

Citation-sequence and citation-name

18. American Cancer Society. Cancer facts and figures for African Americans 2005-2006 [report on the Internet]. Atlanta (GA): The Society; 2005 [cited 2005 Jun 23]; [535K bytes]. Available from:

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  • Begin with the name of the sponsoring organization.

  • Next include the title of the report, a description of the report in brackets, the place of publication, the publisher, the date of publication, and the product number (if any).

  • Give your date of access, the size of the file, and the phrase “Available from:” followed by the URL.

  • Do not use a period at the end of a URL unless the URL ends in a slash.


[ACS] American Cancer Society. 2005. Cancer facts and figures for African Americans 2005-2006 [report on the Internet]. Atlanta (GA): The Society; [cited 2005 Jun 23]; [535K bytes]. Available from:

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  • Begin with the name of the sponsoring organization and the date of publication.

  • Next include the title of the report, a description of the report (including the words “on the Internet”) in brackets, the place of publication, the publisher, and the product number (if any).

  • Give your date of access, the size of the file, and the phrase “Available from:” followed by the URL.

  • Do not use a period at the end of a URL unless the URL ends in a slash.

  • CSE does not provide specific guidelines for the name-year reference list. You may use a hanging indent (as shown here) for readability.

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