Citation-sequence and citation-name
18. American Cancer Society. Cancer facts and figures for African Americans 2005-2006 [report on the Internet]. Atlanta (GA): The Society; 2005 [cited 2005 Jun 23]; [535K bytes]. Available from:
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Begin with the name of the sponsoring organization.
Next include the title of the report, a description of the report in brackets, the place of publication, the publisher, the date of publication, and the product number (if any).
Give your date of access, the size of the file, and the phrase “Available from:” followed by the URL.
Do not use a period at the end of a URL unless the URL ends in a slash.
[ACS] American Cancer Society. 2005. Cancer facts and figures for African Americans 2005-2006 [report on the Internet]. Atlanta (GA): The Society; [cited 2005 Jun 23]; [535K bytes]. Available from:
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Begin with the name of the sponsoring organization and the date of publication.
Next include the title of the report, a description of the report (including the words “on the Internet”) in brackets, the place of publication, the publisher, and the product number (if any).
Give your date of access, the size of the file, and the phrase “Available from:” followed by the URL.
Do not use a period at the end of a URL unless the URL ends in a slash.
CSE does not provide specific guidelines for the name-year reference list. You may use a hanging indent (as shown here) for readability.
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