In the CSE citation-name system, first the reference list at the end of the paper is put in alphabetical order, by authors’ last names. Then the entries are numbered in that order. Those numbers are used in the text to cite the sources from the list.
Entries in the reference list
1. Ennos R, Sheffield E. Plant life. Boston: Blackwell Scientific; 2000.
2. Horgan J. Eugenics revisited. Sci Am. 1993;268(6):122-130.
3. Melchias G. Biodiversity and conservation. Enfield (NH): Science; 2001.
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In-text citation
Scientists are beginning to question the validity of linking genes to a number of human traits and disorders 2.
The citation-name reference list entries are formatted the same as citation-sequence entries. The only difference is the order in the reference list.
Related topics:
CSE citation-sequence system
CSE name-year system
CSE in-text citations
Directory to CSE reference list